Prospective New Member / Pledge Form

Fill out this form only AFTER you have an invite from the chapter to do so.

Complete the form below to begin the membership process

This form should only be completed by the person wishing to pledge a chapter of Theta Tau, not a chapter officer or any other active member.

Each candidate for pledging is obliged to answer all questions on the following pages as a formal pledge as given herein.

The questions in this form are asked to give the candidate information as to the aims and ideals of the Fraternity and some knowledge of the obligations assumed by reason of membership.

This form is confidential within the Fraternity. To be completed at time of pledging by candidates for student membership.

If you previously pledged Theta Tau, please have a chapter officer contact to restart your pledge process.

If you have trouble with the Captcha try filling out the alternative form captcha here:

If None, leave blank
Pronouns are the part of speech used to refer to someone in the third person. We want to know how to respectfully refer to you.
Preferred First Name - eg my first name is Kevin but I go by my middle name Henry.
Other than first name and preferred first name - eg Bud, Skip, Frank The Tank, Etc. Do NOT indicate 'pledge names'
We will send an acknowledgement message. (ends in .edu)
Non school email, does NOT end in .edu
Format: 9999999999 no spaces, dashes, etc.
City and state or province is sufficient

The Fraternity offers programming for Theta Tau parents, including a live webinar with Fraternity leadership as well as an invitation to take our online health & safety training program. This is optional - if you do not want us to contact your parent/guardian, please leave these fields blank.

Use the following format: YYYY
Name of Major/Field of that Degree. If none, leave blank
Include relationship, chapter, and graduation year, if known. If none, leave blank
If none, leave blank
If none, leave blank
Other than Theta Tau -- If no other, leave blank

Why are we asking for these data?

Theta Tau is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As part of that commitment, we want to understand who our members are so that we can gauge how diverse we are.

What will Theta Tau do with these data?

Our target right now is for our chapters to be at least as diverse (in terms of gender and race identities) as the population of engineers that they draw from. These data will be used to inform chapters of how they compare. These data will also be used to study regional and national trends.

Theta Tau will not associate these data with individual member records; e.g., when a member is looked up in the database, it will not say “John Doe, black gay male.” These data will only be used and reviewed in the aggregate. These data will also never be broken down to the point where a casual observer would be able to identify individual members from the data (we will never share data about an individual pledge class, or a very small chapter.)

We will never use these data to target communications or programming advertisements to you.

Select your 'School Name' under 'College & Degree Information'

Please carefully read and answer each question below honestly

Please sign using your proper/legal name

If you have trouble with the Captcha try filling out the alternative form captcha here: